Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Don't Miss

Reclaiming Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan style

Sudhir Kothari, 36, a financial analyst and adviser based in the southern Indian city of Chennai, has ordered a special five-kilogramme (11-pound) choco-truffle cake,...

Lifestyle News

‘No safe place’: Jenin’s Freedom Theatre raided, daubed with Star of David

The Freedom Theatre in Jenin, a popular symbol of peace and hope in the occupied West Bank, has been raided and vandalised by Israeli...

‘Fed up with war’: Yemenis fear new conflict after Houthi Red Sea attacks

Sanaa, Yemen — When Israel’s war on Gaza broke out on October 7, Saleh Abdullah, a 48-year-old supermarket owner in Sanaa, joined pro-Palestine mass protests,...


Tech and Gadgets

Justin Trudeau’s belated and shameful volte face on Gaza

Some of Israel’s most prominent enablers now claim to abhor the scope of Israel’s wanton killing of Palestinians with a barrage of bullets, bombs,...
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Latest Reviews

Performance Training

The Take: Who is Argentina’s new Libertarian president, Javier Milei?

Javier Milei, Argentina’s new president, won an election for his far-right policies – and his eccentricities. As he takes office, how will his decisions...

The Take: OpenAI at a crossroads – Can AI threaten humanity?

OpenAI opened the door to ChatGPT one year ago and it’s been a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. So what does this year...

The Take: OpenAI at a crossroads – Can AI threaten humanity?

OpenAI opened the door to ChatGPT one year ago and it’s been a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. So what does this year...

The Take: Forced to leave Pakistan, where can Afghan refugees go?

Four million Afghans seeking refuge in Pakistan have been caught up in a government crackdown on immigration. What choices are left for those being...

The Take: Arrests and harassment threaten Palestinians in Israel

Prominent Palestinians in Israel were arrested on Thursday for planning a small anti-war protest. For the last month, people have grappled with rising threats,...
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Holiday Recipes

Washington, DC – The list of Palestinians killed in the war in Gaza stretches for more than 150 pages, at times featuring dozens of people...

WRC Racing

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